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Mathematics at Jeffco Remote

Research-driven, problem-based curriculum.

In a problem-based curriculum, students work on carefully crafted and sequenced mathematics problems during most of the instructional time. Teachers help students understand the problems and guide discussions to be sure that the mathematical takeaways are clear to all.

In the process, students explain their ideas and reasoning and learn to communicate mathematical ideas. The goal is to give students just enough background and tools to solve initial problems successfully, and then set them to increasingly sophisticated problems as their expertise increases.

Mathematics is not a spectator sport. The value of a problem-based approach is that students spend most of their time in math class doing mathematics: making sense of problems, estimating, trying different approaches, selecting and using appropriate tools, and evaluating the reasonableness of their answers. They go on to interpret the significance of their answers, noticing patterns and making generalizations, explaining their reasoning verbally and in writing, listening to the reasoning of others, and building their understanding.

Illustrative Mathematics

IM K–12™ Math Certified By Illustrative Mathematics®

IM Math is a problem-based core curriculum designed to address content and practice standards to foster learning for all. Students learn by doing math, solving problems in mathematical and real-world contexts, and constructing arguments using precise language. Teachers can shift their instruction and facilitate student learning with high-leverage routines to guide learners to understand and make connections between concepts and procedures.

Family Support

Below are family support documents and videos for each unit of study for grades kindergarten through 10th grade. As we work through each unit we will continue to add to this document.

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Mathematics in Jeffco

Jeffco mathematics teaching and learning embraces a problem-based approach, grounded in the belief that every student possesses the potential to master grade-level mathematics. In our program, students learn math by doing math. 

Jeffco mathematics classrooms are joyful communities of learners engaged in rigorous, collaborative mathematical experiences facilitated by educators who support each and every student to develop conceptual understanding, procedural fluency and adaptive reasoning skills that transfer to their daily lives and future careers.